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Thursday, October 17, 2013

We Lost Our Cat / Devil's Deception

As some of you know, yesterday we lost our cat Sunny. 

He’s an indoor cat and must have hopped the gate and jumped off the deck.  My husband & I searched for hours! About 6 hours straight! We put up flyers, talked to neighbors, and searched the woods over & over again constantly calling his name. Soon it got dark outside…it was pitch black & we were outside with flashlights still searching. I ended up making personal letters & we put one on each doorstep of each house on our block.  As we were finishing up, I came up to this one house and was about to put the letter on the doorstep when I saw Sunny! He was just laying there & he meowed/growled a little. His face was a little weird looking but that was probably because of all the stress he was under for the past few hours. My heart leaped for joy & I grabbed him and we ran back to our house & I put him down inside. He just stood there and looked back at us & it was then that I realized that the cat I had just brought into our house, was not our cat. He had exactly the same color pattern as Sunny…the tiger stripe legs, the dark gray on his back..everything! But his facial features were slightly off. My heart sunk deeper than it had been all night and we let the cat out who eventually found his way back home. (TRUE STORY!)  I mean, what are the chances of a cat like that...a cat that looked almost identical to Sunny...being on that porch while I was looking for my cat who looked just like him?? (mind you we've been living here 2 years & have never seen that cat before).  

At this moment, I truly felt that the devil was toying with me. He knew I was vulnerable & in his own way, he was laughing at me. I got angry. I was angry at the devil, and at myself for being so deceived to think that it was my cat.  Even after I had originally saw that his face was a little different, I still picked him up and took him home, probably because I wanted to BELIEVE that it was Sunny. That cat wasn't on that porch by "coincidence" nor did I take him home by "coincidence". When you believe in God & His full control than you cancel out any room to believe in coincidences.

A couple hours later, on my last search of the night, and after much prayer, God brought Sunny out of the woods & directly into my line of sight & God allowed me to grab him & take him home.  Yes, a happy ending to my story, but it got me thinking.  

How often do we allow the devil to deceive us in our everyday lives??  He is very slick in his ways, & if our guard is down, even a little, he strikes right away.  The devil is smart…he knows our weaknesses & he attacks when we are most vulnerable. He is also the king of deception. The same devil that deceived Eve in the garden of Eden is the same devil unleashed today that deceives us in our minds & hearts every day. The sad thing is, we don’t even realize when he is doing it.  And sometimes when we do realize it, it's already too late.  

I ignored the warning of the different facial features when I took that cat home…I allowed myself to be deceived because of my wants and my emotions. How often do we tell ourselves…”Oh one more sip..or one more drink won’t hurt”, or “I’m not a gossiper but it’s ok if I talk about people once in awhile”, Or “I deserve this vacation, or “I deserve to spoil myself so it’s okay if I splurge or waste money this one time”, or “just 10 more bucks..and if I lose than I’ll stop betting”…”Just this one more time”…

We rationalize our behavior to make it fit what we want to do & what we think we need in order to temporarily satisfy our emotions. Well let me tell you, that has the devil’s name written all over it. Say what you want but the Bible even says to  “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

There is only one way to be successful in standing up against the devil & being able to protect yourself from his attacks & that is through the Armor of God. We are told to  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Eph 6:10).

The more spiritually prepared you are in your every day life, the more difficult it will become for the devil to bring you down. He goes after the weak…don’t allow yourself to be one of the “weak” ones. Spending time reading the Bible & praying every day & establishing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will help you build up the defense you need.

 So what is your choice? Will you take a stand against the devil? Will you take a stand on something that not only defines your earthly life but determines your eternal life?

Let me ask you this: If you are not using God as your defense, then what are you using?? Because if you have any answer other than God, then your defense isn't working....and.... if you think it is working...than the devil is already at work.

Don’t be like me. Don’t let the “wrong cat” into your life. Even more importantly, don’t take him home, and DO NOT invite him into your house.

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