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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.........Even Yours.

Before you read this article I want to REMIND you that this will be the LAST blog article posted to this site. I have moved over to wordpress so please click here and you can sign up on the right hand side in order to continue to receive emails from Luminate Your Path.  I am hoping to see all of you there!

Now for our regularly scheduled program... :) 

Have you ever encountered someone who criticizes people yet then they turn around and do the same thing they just criticized that person for? Do you work with people who claim to believe in something,  yet they talk and act in opposition to what they claim to believe in? Sometimes we refer to these people as “hypocrites”. A hypocrite is “a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs” (Webster's dictionary).  Some people may not like this post because it may require some “self-evaluation” but this self-evaluation could save someone’s life. I write this post not to judge anyone (for I need to self-evaluate also) but to highlight how significant what you SAY and what you DO really is.

I recently had a conversation with someone who encountered a group of individuals that professed to be believers in Jesus, yet their actions did not portray this.  Their drinking, partying, cursing, etc, did not reflect what they claimed to believe.  Now one might say, "so what", "what's the big deal?", but I'm here to tell you that it IS a big deal. You see, after my conversation I started to think about my life and I had a revelation that the same type of people he described encountering, was ME only years ago. I remember hanging out with “friends” drinking and partying and telling people “I am saved and believe in Jesus, but don’t talk to me about Him right now because I’m drinking and I know I'm not being a good example.” Just typing that sentence makes me sick to my stomach because I realize how I slapped Jesus in the face. I John 1:6 says, “If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth;”… this is exactly what I was doing: walking in darkness while claiming to know Jesus.


images52B89K0FWhat a horrible influence I was on those who were around me.... surrounded by people who were lost and could have used a Light to guide them. I could have been a positive influence on someone’s life possibly leading them to salvation and demonstrating true Christian faith, but instead I lived my life how I wanted to live while throwing Christ (and my faith) on the ground and then stomped all over it. What if one of those people was affected by my hypocrisy, by my claim to be a Christian and the way I lived my life? What if today they are "put off” from the lack of sincerity when it comes to people claiming to believe in Jesus? I realize my actions may have caused others to doubt who God is and even question what faith they do have. that is a tough pill to swallow, and this is where I ask YOU to take a look at your own life.


Are you claiming to be something you’re not? Are you claiming to be a Christian and be saved, but not living as if you really are? 1 John 2:4 says, “The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him;” Do you realize that what you SAY and how you ACT can influence how a person views God? Do you know that this can effect their eternity? Do you also realize that your testimony (how you live) will influence a person to either be moved towards Jesus or away from Him? I’m not just talking about drinking and partying or any of the more obvious sins. I’m also talking about your speech…what comes out of your mouth. We are told in James 1:26 that “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless”. nIs this you? Do you claim to be religious but fail to keep a tight rein on your mouth leading others to think that there’s “no way” you are a Christian? Do you claim to believe in Jesus in one conversation and then the next conversation you’re using His name in vain, cursing, or making perverse jokes? Not only are we examples to those we associate with, but also to the stranger walking by, to the people sitting next to us in restaurants and even to those standing behind us in lines.

I write all of this to show you that what you SAY and what you DO does matter IF you are claiming to be a believer in Jesus Christ. Don’t let your friends, family, or even a stranger walk away from you being pushed further away from the only person who can save them. Make sure your actions and words push others towards the only One who can save them: Jesus Christ. We may not have much time left!  As a matter of fact, we are told to seek the Lord WHILE he may be found (Isaiah 55:6). This means there will be a time when people will no longer be able to find Him. Make the changes now that will count for your eternity or for someone else’s.