Well at
least that’s the hardest part so far J
My husband has certain things he wants in a house and I have certain things
that I want. This will be our
first house that we will own and we plan on being there forever so we want to
make sure that it is exactly what we want. While he would like an office space, fireplace, and a basement, I would like a nice size bedroom and nice bathroom preferably
with a huge tub J - not to mention a nice size yard, deck/patio,
finished basement, and I could go on! I guess you could call it my “dream
The other day he sent me a text that said “I found our house!” He was
obviously very excited, so I looked up the house online, but my excitement
did not match his. It had what he wanted, but I was not satisfied with what I
wanted. Now this was a really nice house, it just didn’t fit exactly what I was
looking for. I was a little disappointed when I saw the house did not fit my
imagination and he was disappointed as well that I did not agree with his taste.
All of this got me
thinking as I sat there in a bundle of frustration.
Why am I so adamant about getting a house that has everything I want?? This home, while I say we’ll live there “forever”, is actually only temporary. It is a material possession that holds no weight in eternity and is only for show in this present life. Material possessions can do nothing for my soul except mess with my satisfaction levels.
I started to think about my real home: Heaven, and as quick as my frustration came upon me, it began to dissipate. I actually felt a small smile appear on my face. How wonderful it is that God already knows exactly what kind of house will satisfy my needs! “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2) How awesome that He is already preparing a place for me without even asking me what color or size or features I want! Compromise is not even necessary because
He has something better prepared that I cannot even fathom!
I will dwell in the
city of New Jerusalem (literally heaven on earth!) whose walls are made of
jasper and whose city is like pure gold.
“Her brilliance was like a very costly stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper.” (Rev 21:11 ) The
stones of the city will be made of jasper, sapphire, emerald, topaz & other
precious jewels & the gates will be made of pearl! Even the streets will be
pure gold appearing like clear glass! If this is what the outside structure
looks like, I cannot imagine the interior! The glory of God will be so bright
it will illuminate the entire city and there will be no need for the sun or the
moon to shine! (Rev 21). How amazing is that?? How uplifting to know that God
loves me so much to do all of this for me? And the best part is, I do not even
have to tell Him what I want because He has something way more magnificent planned
So my “forever dream home” that I am looking for with my husband
suddenly does not seem so important and this passage comes to mind: “Do not
store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and
where thieves break in and steal. But store up for
yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and
where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also. (Matt 6:19-21).
Don’t get me wrong; buying a new house is very exciting! It
is a blessing from God to be able to buy a home & I don’t want to downplay
that; however, I do not want my treasure to be here on earth. I don’t want to
be consumed with material things and be filled with empty things that can’t
I have a different perspective now as we continue to look for
houses….not to say that I will be ok with my husband picking it out on his own J, but the
intensity of my wants has slightly changed. I have a feeling of peace for now
and excitement for the future when I will go to my REAL home. I guess you could say I feel less combative over really getting what I want.
After all, my citizenship is in heaven
I am
just visiting this world!