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Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Most of you know that I was saved at an early age in life, but for many years growing up I had drifted from what I believed & from what I was taught.  I struggled with sin and although I knew I wasn’t honoring God, I had trouble getting my life back on track.  You may be experiencing something similar right now in your life. Think about it…is there something in your life that you are struggling with?  Do you feel stuck?

During my time astray,(many years!) a couple things kept going through my mind such as “why should I ask God for forgiveness when I know I’m probably going to end up doing the same thing again”.... or, “I keep disappointing God, and it’s pointless for me to pray to Him when I know I’m going to sin again”.  So, instead of praying, I convinced myself it was better not to pray.  It was better for me & God to just stay away from Him altogether since I wasn’t living the way I knew I was supposed to.  BIG MISTAKE.  Can I just tell you, that this way of thinking is the devil getting into your head.  Where in the Bible does it say, “if you sin, do not come to me if you plan on sinning again”? Where in the Bible does it say, “If you are going to disappoint me again, then don’t bother praying”? I’m telling you, this mentality is so wrong, yet I am convinced that so many others, besides myself believes these lies!

It’s actually the complete opposite. God wants us to come to Him immediately after we have sinned. He doesn’t want our sin to fester…the sooner we admit to him our wrongdoings, the sooner He can bless us. Don’t believe the lies of Satan.  God knows we are going to sin again…He isn’t asking for perfection.  I challenge you to go to God in prayer (even if you don’t feel like it) & ask God for forgiveness even though you know you are going to commit the same act again.  God will work in your heart & you will begin to feel a change within yourself. The longer you delay, the more satisfaction you give Satan and the more heart-ache you give the Lord. 

Let me ask you this. Have you ever committed a sin so bad that it deserved jail time?  In the book of 2 Samuel, David commits a horrible sin! One that would warrant a lifetime sentence in today’s society.  He committed adultery with Uriah’s wife, & then had him murdered!  This is the same David that killed Goliath… the same David who God had made King over Israel! But listen to what his friend Nathan said to him right after David admitted to his sin “The Lord has taken away your sin” (12:13).  There is NO SIN TOO GREAT for God to forgive & NO SINNER TOO SMALL for God to save. Now due to his sin, David’s son (which was conceived through adultery) died when he was only 7 days old, but the Lord then blessed David with another son who rose up to become a great man of God himself and eventually King over Israel: Solomon.

God can turn your worst mistakes into blessings. He is waiting for you to come to Him in prayer & call out to Him for help. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord (Acts 3:19) I believed Satan’s lies for many years & kept ignoring God.

Don’t lose out on precious time. Stand up to the brainwashing & fall down into prayer. You’ll be amazed at what God will do.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Many people carry the heaviness of their problems and their burdens every day from the time they wake up in the morning until the time they go to sleep at night. In addition, many of us are carrying our friends and families burdens and problems also. We are supposed to help one another, but we should rely on God to carry it all.

Jesus said "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”(Matt 11: 28-30).

We are promised that we WILL FIND REST if we give our burdens to God. Why is it so hard to do so? Why do we feel that we have to carry everything and do everything ourselves? Why are we so stubborn to let go??  Maybe it has something to do with the way the world perceives strength. The more you can handle..the more you can accomplish..the more money you have...the more education you have..MORE- MORE- MORE- means GO- GO- GO.  We feel like we have to be in control of everything! No wonder we are run down & hesitant to give our problems and concerns to God. 

BUT, It is when we are at our weakest, that we can actually be our strongest through Jesus Christ who empowers us. It's the complete opposite of the worlds view. Be weak so I can be strong? Absolutely. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness....That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."(2 Cor 12:9-10)

I challenge you to start each morning and end each night by talking to God & giving Him your specific & ask Him to help you.  He is waiting to lighten your load. The question is..are you ready to give it up?

Hope you find this encouraging-


My load is so heavy

Too much to bare

Can barely get up

Call out in despair.

So many problems

Nowhere to go

Carry you too?

But I can’t say “no”

So I pile on your burdens

And add them to my own

Now I can hardly move

Reaping more than I’ve sown.

You are my downfall

You pushed me over the edge

But I just realized:

I was already on the ledge

For my own burdens

I cannot blame you

Handle them alone

Not what I should do.

So I prayed to the Lord

To put in my hand

Something to help me:

A strong rubber-band

Little did I realize

That I had it all along

Oh it worked fine!

I was just using it wrong.

I absorbed my burdens

And others as well

Bounced them back onto me

Couldn’t stand, so I fell

But now I see freedom

And now I am free

God said “use your rubber band

And ricochet up to ME!

Your rubber-band will never break

Nor will it ever wear out,

For my strength is endless

You have no reason to doubt.

So I will wait here for you

Day after Day

As you learn how to trust Me

And send your burdens My way”

***A few people have asked me about commenting on my posts. Just go to my blog site (should be able to access from your email) & click on "no comments" & a window should pop up***