According to Biology experts, birds
such as eagles, hawks, and falcons can see up to 8 times more clearly than the sharpest human eye! For example, golden eagles are able to see
rabbits from about 1 mile away! Pretty
impressive don’t you think?
Sometimes in life, our vision gets
cloudy. We tend to have blurred vision
when faced with challenges and obstacles in our life especially when they come
unexpected (which for some of us seems to happen every day). It’s times like these that we need a
different perspective; a clearer perspective; a birds-eye view perhaps? When we are in the middle of trying
circumstances, we tend to zone in on the actual problem. We may throw ourselves a pity party, become
bitter towards others, hold grudges, become jealous or angry, or just develop a
horrible attitude about whatever it is that is happening. Before we know it, things can spiral out of
control emotionally and we end up in a bad place spiritually, mentally, and
emotionally. It’s a good thing God has a
clearer perspective on things than we do.
As a matter of fact, he sees things perfectly…even clearer than the
birds He created. He knows everything that is going to happen before it
happens, and what’s even more comforting is that He knows why it is happening. “Before a word is on my tongue, you, Lord
know it completely” (Psalm 139:4), “we know that God is greater than our
hearts, and he knows everything” (1 John 3:20).
So the next time you face a trial
in your life, large or small, try to look at it from a different perspective. Try
to look at it from a heavenly perspective. Even though we can’t read God’s
mind, we can rest in the fact that He is in complete control of absolutely
everything” And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who
love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28).